
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Get Up and Keep Movin' 

Phew. I just got done with my last exam in this round (deluge) of exams. I had three in six days. Oh lordy. Three too many. Three way too many to prepare for when you got homework and classes and annoying little quizzes and writing projects and you're attempting to create the smallest semblance of a social life for yourself.

So biology didn't go that well, but I surely passed and beat the mean, so maybe I should stop there. Sociology was OK. I'll have no clue how I did till I get it back. Chemistry, the horror I went through tonight, was mighty bad, but as for my projection about the results? Eh, we shall see...

So I've been metaphorically banging my head against the wall for the past few weeks because of everything. Maybe that's just my way of trying to figure things out. And figure things out is definitely what I need to do right about now. I'm frustrated by the way many things are (to keep it nice and vague). It's not too hard to find people who agree--seems like everyone is pretty talented when it comes to complaining about things and identifying what's wrong.

Solutions seem to be a whole different tale. "So why don't we go complain?" "Let's write a letter." "Let's do a petition." "Let's talk to lots of students and build a strong base and voice our demands together. In unison we can't be ignored as easily." "I won't stand for this." "Enough!" Unfortunately, it seems like many people shut down the minute they detect the most minute trace of proactiveness. What is this? The modern plague of apathy? Have we all become too depressed and frail to do anything about anything anymore? Have we developed a bizarre form of masochism in which we all love to live under conditions of anger, frustration and constant stress?

I've said it before, and I'll say it once again, "It's my life!" And don't you forgot, it's your life, too. Having three exams in a such a short period of time made me feel like my life needed to go on hold, like I sat down in one spot and just held by breath for a week. Tonight after my last exam, it's really tempting to crawl into bed and just forget about everything till the next round of hell breaks loose.

Oh no... I won't fall into that trap. I had my week of feeling mopey, stressed, helpless and depressed. Now it's time to get up and keep moving. There are things to do, letters of complaint to write, petitions to get signed, campaigns to wage, changes to be made, a life to make happy and fulfilling...

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