
Monday, March 08, 2004

The April issue of Teen People came out this weekend, and the response I've already gotten (since Friday!) has been so overwhelming! First of all, seeing myself in a picture (er two) standing next to Hilary Duff in a magazine as big as Teen People is just mind boggling. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing there, and how in the world I got there. Then there's the caption, "These teens are all superstars -- even Hilary Duff." Heh, what?! Me? A superstar?!?! Woha, I don't know about that...

The Director of the religious school where I teach cut out the pictures from the magazines and posted them on a bulletin board for everyone to see. You can only imagine how my fourth-grade, major-Lizzie McGuire-fan students responded. What in the world is their TEACHER doing standing next to Hilary Duff?! They were so shocked and excited, and then a million questions started to abound.

"Was that picture done on photoshop?!" -- No, it was real...

"Are you dating Hilary Duff?!" -- Hah, if only...

For the first time in my life, I'm being called a celebrity. Talk about adjusting to something like that... I had an interview with the Pioneer Press, one of the bigger newspapers in Minnesota, this weekend about this whole Teen People ordeal. The reporter was really nice, and she wanted to know all about my volunteer work and environmental activism. The interview went really well, and at the end of it, she told me that I'm a celebrity... not a celebrity like Hilary Duff or Avril Lavigne, but becoming a celebrity in my own special way...

It's just so WEIRD! I've been going to high school like millions of other students in America, now I'm in college like millions of other students my age in America. For the most part, I feel anything but special. And yet here I am, in this funny in-between stage, posing in Teen People, but suffering in huge, impersonal intro lecture courses at the same time... I have a crapload of homework, exams, essays, and readings to do, and yet I'm going to New York City on Tuesday to meet Hilary Duff, Avril Lavigne, Frankie Muniz, Lil' Romeo and over a dozen other amazingly brilliant teens. Does anyone else find something funny about this picture?

My head is spinning, spinning, spinning... The only things that are keeping me grounded are the Linguistics exam I have in 12 hours, for which I haven't even begun to study, my chemistry lab report, biology quizzes, sociology readings, and the essay for my English class, but I think even they are starting to lose their grip on me... I'm just worried that when my 15 seconds of fame are over, and my head spinning stops, I'll find myself in a huge mess back in the real world--way behind on homework, plummeting grades--a bigger wreck than I was to begin with.

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