
Wednesday, August 13, 2003

In her song "There's Got to be More to Life" Stacie Orrico captures the essence of life with which our generation in struggling--there's got to be more. No longer satisified with living for the ephemeral highs and lows that come and go, this web-log is for all those who think that there's got to be more to life, and want to find it.

There's got to be more to life than just living. There's got to be more than getting high, getting drunk, partying till you drop. There's got to be more than living for a job, and making big bucks. There's got to be more than meeting friends just to chat idly or "hang out". There's got to be more than corrupt politics, and bad music. There's got to be more than trying to find that hollywood love story, and then live happily ever after.

What is it?

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