
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane... 

Hey everyone, I'm not going to be so literary and descriptive in this post as I have been in the last few. This time it's a message from me to you. First, thanks to all of you who have faithfully visited my blog since I restarted it last winter. Also, welcome to the recent influx of people who arrived here by searching "more to life" on Yahoo!, MSN or whatever other search. I don't know what you were looking for, or what sort of wisdom Yahoo! thinks I have to offer about "more to life" by listing me second on their results to that query (and suddenly boosting traffic to this site). But whatever it is, I hope you manage to find some answer among the pages of my life.

As the year comes to an end and everyone starts looking back on the past year, I invite you to take the time and scroll back in time on my blog and relive some of the crazy highs (more, and more, yay more!) and lows (more, and unfortunately more) I've been through this year.

As for me? Well, I'm leaving on a jet plane. Fear not, though, I know when I'll be back again. January 19th, officially, but I might have a chance to post to my blog once or twice while I'm gone. I'm heading over to the tumultous holy-land, the birth place of three major religions. What a journey!

Okay, so I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!!! since I won't be here to type it when it comes along. Oh, and you'll want to check back when I get back... To all those "High School Crush" story fans out there, there will be a part 3 in the series! LOL. Don't get too excited! Think of it more as a denoument (or whatever that means). :-)

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