
Tuesday, November 09, 2004


As I sat here with the mother of all headaches well past 3 a.m., I mustered up the last bits of my energy to send out a letter to a couple of my professors....

"I don't really know where to begin, so I'll start with the end and then explain. Don't take this the wrong way!

I really need a break.

As I was sitting here at 3am trying to chip away at the mounds of work I have to catch up on and/or do, I felt my brain finally shut down and refuse to cooperate. Part of the reason is that I just got done with a week of 3 exams, on top of my regular load of problem sets, and working two jobs. Also, my parents flew in to visit last weekend, so you know how that can reduce studying time.

I'm extremely exhausted and burnt out and to keep pushing myself would mean just to make matters worse. What I think I really need is a few days to catch my breath and then to play catch up on the gobs of material in this class and others that I let slip.

For the sake of my sanity, I'd like to request a temporary exemption on all homework due for the rest of this week. If this can be arranged without any sort of grade penalty, I would be extremely grateful. If not, I will make the effort to do the homework, but at this point I don't think it would do me any good (as homework usually should) in absorbing the material.

Thanks for reading through this, I just wanted to keep you informed...


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