
Monday, April 19, 2004

Letter to Ben Affleck? 

So, I have a question to you... Yes you, the reader. If you're reading this I want your opinion. If you had a chance to write a letter to Ben Affleck that you knew he would read, what would you write? See... I'm in that position right now, and I have no clue what to do.

Maybe I should explain. Forgive me if I come off as tooting my horn or anything--that's really not my intention at all. Briefly, this is how it all came about. Back in March I wrote a bit about something I was going through at the time... [To be or not to be elusive?] Okay, whatever, I'll just say it again for those of you who don't want to look back. I was featured in Teen People along with 20 other amazing teenagers including a couple celebrities... In March, Teen People and L'Oreal flew us up to New York City for a luncheon to meet each other, the employees of Teen People and L'Oreal, and to talk a little bit about what we do. So anyway, Ben Affleck hosted the whole event. It was a HUGE surprise. I never thought I'd ever meet him (or anyone of his caliber) in my life, so it was a huge shock when all one day, unexpectedly, I was in the same room with him, shook his hand twice, posed with him and some other teens on the "red carpet" and even was introduced on stage by him...

Once the whole event was over and I settled back to life in school, I figured that would be the end of it all. And it was the end of it all... for a few weeks. Except that this past week, I got an e-mail from someone at Teen People that they're asking all the Teens who attended the event (about 15 of us) to each write Ben Affleck a personal note, which they will compile into a book and give him. On Saturday, I got a Fedex with a fancy page they designed with a picture of myself and Ben Affleck on it for me to write the letter...

Oh gosh. So how often do you get to write a letter to someone like him and know they're going to read it? More so, how often do you get ASKED to write a letter to Ben Affleck? It's kind of insane. I don't quite know what to write, what to say, how to make it meaningful. I'm not one to write a dull standard letter... I'd love for him to support my volunteer work, but I bet he gets asked that by a million people anyway. I've asked my friends and got nothing too helpful: Ask him to cast you in his next movie! Ask him what happened between him and J.Lo! Tell him he should have left J.Lo! Ask him a million random questions, and then just sign at the end "just kidding, I didn't really know what else to say..."

Okay, so those are all nice and funny suggestions, ha ha, but seriously... How do you make something like this count? I feel like it's one of those last chance/one-and-only type things, and I want to make the most of it. Am I being foolish or naive? Am I making too big of a deal about this? It's tough, it's overwhelming, and I don't quite know what to do. What would you do?

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