
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Yes, I'm Still Alive 

Not that anyone around here seemed too concerned about that, LOL. So what happened since the day I was gearing up to see Snoop Dogg and The Game keep it real on my college lawn?

Well, there were maybe two days of total chillaxness. You know, the type when you get like 11 or 12 hours of sleep and you're blissfully tired all day long. Then it was back to stressing out over my three upcoming final exams and a 20 page final paper I had to write. So much work!

Don't worry. I took a quick break from the stressing in order to let myself turn 20 gracefully. That's it, goodbye teenagedom. But you know, once you hit the ground and start running, there's not too much time to stop and think. So yes, it feels weird to be 20, but the full processing will happen in a couple days once I get home and get rested up.

Then it was back to stressing and working and studying and paper-writing. Lordy, it felt like this set of finals would never end. They just draggged on and on and on. First it was astrophysics at 9am on the first day of finals. Then it was history on the second day of finals at 9am. Then I spent the whole weekend writing a 22 page final paper for my antrhopology class. Then at 9am this morning was psychology. I'm SO glad it's over.

Now excuse me while I pack up my life belongings. Tomorrow Momma's coming and we're outta this place! Two years of college DONE!

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