
Friday, October 29, 2004

Busy, Busy, Busy 

Hey y'all. I'm still here, still alive. Things are just getting kind of busy, busy. Holding up two jobs and going to school is way tougher than I thought. Oh, and believe me, I never thought it would be easy.

I have three exams next week in addition to the normal dosage of assignments, problem sets, readings. I'm slightly worried about that. My parents are coming up to visit me this weekend. I'm pretty happy about that.

Not that I have too much time on my hands, but when I was walking between classes today I got thinking. Check out this deductive logic. Sleep deprivation is a recognized form of torture that governments and whatever other entities use. At school I go weeks upon weeks being chronically sleep deprived. Therefore school is torture! Lol! Don't you feel so enlightened? Now we know. School really is torture!

Ta ha, okay that was all nice and sweet, but carry this analogy too far and, like most others, it'll break down. But oh, I amuse myself sometimes. Hey, at least it works.

Till the frenzy of the exams and projects is behind me, or until the next time I'm struck by an urge to blog--whichever comes first--keep smiling, get plenty of sleep, and give someone a big hug!

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