
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

California, Here I Come! 

So what do you do when it's been raining, gray, and cold for the past two days? You go to warm, sunny Southern California! Well, at least that's what I'm doing! That's right, so Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Brad Pitt and all y'all down there make some room because I am coming to town!

Haha, just kidding. It's not that spontaneous. I'm going with my family to meet up with the extended family. It should be nice. The sad thing is that I will be gone for a week, and this blog might just fossilize in that time. Should you be bored, or whatever, here are a few people who might be able to supply you with your daily dose of quality bloggage while I'm gone :)

Wed: step into my parlour...
Thurs: dare i smile
Fri: Davenetics
Sat: Jus' Writin' Life
Sun: Jamalyn's Jovial Journal
Mon: Oh No Chicken Little...
Tues: I'm Not Joking...

There it is. One blog for each day I'm gone! Enjoy, have a good, sane week and be sure to check back next Wednesday!

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