
Monday, September 06, 2004

Spread the Love, Baby 

What makes me want to barf about this place sometimes are the stark hypocricies that are in your face but people pretend not to notice, or not to care. What's been on my mind lately are the people, the aura, the legacies, the eliteness, the wealth, the snottiness, the immaturity, the disgracefulness.

I got invited to go to a frat party this Saturday. I didn't know if I should take it as a compliment, or as an insult, so I just took it as a matter of fact. Already a year of college had gone by and I had never even set foot in one such party. A friend of mine invited me. To be polite, and also because I thought it would be nice to dance my worries off of me for a bit, and maybe to meet new people, I told him that I'd like to come.

Then he asked me if I drink, and I said I don't.


At this point, he politely suggested that I not come. I guess it's just not cool to hang out with sober people anymore.

And that's what bothers me, and so maybe now excuse me because I'm about to climb onto my soapbox and mouth off. What's wrong with people these days? It seems like more and more people are equating fun with getting drunk. Is that fun? I don't know. I can't say I've ever tried, so maybe I'm not one to be talking. But I've seen drunk people, and I have all too good of a sense of where things go and what this leads to. So why? People tell me that they like getting drunk because it helps them ease up and meet people. Oh lordy what have we come to now if our friendships are formed on drunken encounters? Is this the best we can do? Is this how a whole generation of people is going to begin relating to others?

I hear about social, but I only see antisocial. It's like if you're not drunk you don't have a reason to meet people anymore. Being drunk is the only way to meet people. It's so sad it drives me up the wall. You walk around campus and everyone's either frowning at you or looking the other way. Dang, are we that offended by sober people now, too? We gotta walk around and give each other a sour attitude?

I'm sad to report that, in my limited view, the distinction between the craziest party school and the "toughest ivy league to get out of" has nearly approached nil. Let's work hard, let's party hard. What ever happened to moderation? Let's slack our asses off and then cram till the last second. Let's get high till we float and let's come crashing down the next day when it's all over. Let's get so drunk so we can have fun and be social and meet people only to wake up the next day so hung over and not remembering the person you were making out with for half an hour last night. Let's have casual sex with the first person willing because we're so horny, and let's do it again and again, and let's make babies and abort them one by one. Let's use each other because it feels good, and let's do it as much as possible so we never feel the pain and what it means when, for once, we're trying to be real. Let's act like it's a race, like no one else matters except for ourselves. Let's be selfish, egotistical, ugly inside but as beautiful as we can be outside. Let's cover ourselves with a thin layer of plastic and lies that smell good and look good and sound good. Let's compete, let's stress. Let's not fight, so we'll have sex as much as we can with as many as we can because that's love, right? Let's spread the love.

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