
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Work it, Diddy 

I was watching MTV's Total Request Live today for my daily dose of enlightenment, and who else appeared if not the most frequent visitor to the show--P. Diddy. The topic of today's PDRL was his new project, Citizen Change. I rushed to check out the website after the show for more info, but don't expect to find too much there...

So Diddy has now taken on the noble cause of trying "to educate, motivate and empower millions of young Americans to access their power and vote on November 2nd." He's non-partisan, non-profit, and he's got a whole machine of celebrities and sponsors supporting him on this.

I think it's great that someone like P. Diddy is trying to take this on, but I don't know. Every election year a bunch of initiatives pop up with a mission to mobilize throngs of "disenfranchised youth" to exercise their power at the polls. If my limited memory serves me right, none has been too successful. Who's to say this will be? Besides, has it struck anyone that there may be something about our very political process or social fabric that is getting in between youth and the voter booths? Try fixing that and see how many youth will turn out.

But you know what, I'm not too fond of immediate skeptics. This is a great cause, and I support it. Let's see how much of a difference massive celebrity support for this initiative along with Echo, Sean Jean, and Rock-a-wear (among other brand name) t-shirts with the slogan of "Vote or Die!" can make this time around.

In the meantime, if you're a citizen, get your ass registered to vote!

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